Diet / Exercise

The Epiq Plan for March

I know that I’m not very good at being consistent. I’m impulsive and any time there’s chocolate within 10 yards of me, I hone in on it and devour it. It’s a gift and a curse. Unfortunately, those 20 pounds I want to lose won’t slide off by eating all the chocolate I see. Or the melted brie and French bread I favor as an afternoon snack. And I made sure nobody saw me demolish the family size bag of Barbecue Baked Lays the other day. They’re baked. Therefore, they are healthy… ahem. Anyways.

That is why this month I am focusing on two things for the entire month:

  1. Keeping my calories below 1300 each day.
  2. Working out every other day for an hour.

Let me tell you, I know these are going to be difficult. They seem simple, but the mere fact that they seem daunting attests to how inconsistent I have been!

Now, I’m all about check lists and using simple math (I gave up on long division in the 4th grade), so let’s break those two goals down a little.

  1. Keeping my calories below 1300 each day, leaving a little leeway for error.
    1. Breakfast: 300 calories
    2. Lunch: 360 calories
    3. Snack: 120 calories
    4. Dinner: 420 calories
  2. Working out every other day for an hour.
    1. I am going to focus on cardio for the next month, primarily using the elliptical because I have weak ankles and hate the treadmill.
    2. I may do some ab work, because who doesn’t love the feeling of your core burning every time you take a step?
    3. Well, if I feel up to it, I may throw in some Zwows, or some other workout I’ve pinned on Pinterest.

Feel free to follow me there. I’m on Pinterest way more than any other site. 🙂



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